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The future of auto-tillers: electrical transition and European standards

20 October 2022

The electricity transition also affects the sector of auto-grinders, already engaged with the adaptation to European regulations. But what are the current limits of the sector and what are the future prospects, with plants capable of working internal combustion vehicles and electric?

Let’s see it in detail.

European legislation calls for approximately 85% by weight of the materials of an end-of-life vehicle to be recycled.

In particular, the Directive 200/53/EC on the recycling of end-of-life vehicles, transposed into Legislative Decree 24 June 2003, provides for a percentage of reuse and recovery of 95%, only 5% would fall within the non-recyclable materials: 85% of the reuse and recycling of scrapped vehicles plus 10% energy savings. Italy is far from reaching these standards, mainly due to the absence of adequate facilities for energy recovery and fluff treatment. In Italy there are about 1450 self-propelled vehicles, handling 1 million and 200 thousand vehicles at the end of life, disposing of about 1.3 million tons of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Both Italian and European data, with the total disposal of about 7/8 million end-of-life vehicles, tell us how the junkyards have a really important role in the perspective of the circular economy. End-of-life vehicles: the present of scrapping in Italy The scrapping of a vehicle follows several evaluations, some purely subjective, such as the need for a new car determined by personal tastes or by events or accidents that have irreparably changed the functionality of the vehicle. Other times current regulations, also at the local level, are the ones to push the foot of the accelerator towards the nearest junkyard.

End-of-life vehicles: the present of scrapping in Italy

Inside the auto-milling plant, the vehicle is deprived of the components considered dangerous, by means of safety operations. Afterwards, all the spare parts to be placed on the market are extracted, then the hazardous waste are selected, but only after all of that, the vehicle is pressed and reduced to a sheet metal cube.   Here the crushing plants come into play and it is at this stage that the system appears incomplete and fragmentary, with some plants without the Bat (Best Available Techniques), that is, the best technologies and others, instead, equipped with very advanced recycling systems, with advanced fluff separation and recycling techniques.

The fluff is the most difficult part to recycle, containing both the lightest component coming out of the crushing, what the experts define as light fluff and the heavy fluff, that is, the heaviest component, represented by plastic residues, copper, aluminium, etc.

End-of-life vehicles: moving into the future

In order to achieve the European standards we talked about at the beginning of the article, it is essential to invest in the functionality and efficiency of the plants, by purchasing highly technological presses and shears such as those in our catalogue.

Machinery designed to optimise the production process by managing the entry of vehicles and the exit of raw materials, including the so-called secondary raw materials, that is, production waste or end-of-life products to be put back on the market as raw materials, in the same way as extraction materials are sold. Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC)

The challenges that await the sector of auto grinders are many, from geopolitical crises still ongoing, to the scarcity of raw materials that make difficult the delivery of the presses in a short time (we talked about it here) and the obligation to adapt to current legislation.

In Modena, the comparison of Italian and European self-demolitors

These issues were widely discussed at the ADA Premium Event, held in Modena on June 25. The event promoted by the Association of Vehicle Wreckers and Assoambiente was an opportunity to discuss new control and self-control systems, the ecological transition and electric vehicles. In particular, the disposal of electric vehicles is an issue to be addressed immediately, because it will bring profound changes in the industry, which will end up having about 30% less weight of scrap and subsequent zeroing of the sale of engine parts, changes and transmissions.

The future of junkyards? Investing in quality by buying the latest generation of machinery to enjoy the benefits of Industry 4.0. Do you wish to know more? Contact our agent

The future of auto-tillers: electrical transition and European standards
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